2 min readSep 2, 2020


Starting trouble!

Starting trouble! The struggle is real! Even more so, when the starting trouble repeats every time! I have never really been able to put my finger on what really stops me from doing what I love. From my earliest memory of saving ‘Sheera’ for the end, to delaying actually sitting down and writing or painting or anything else that I really love! Why am I subconsciously saving this for ‘later’ as if I can only do it once? I need to change this — sooner, rather than later.

There is so much I want to do, but today, lets focus on just one of them — Baby steps, as they say! One of the things I have really been wanting to do since atleast 5 years now, is somehow find a way to capture these precious things that my children say and do. I know we will forget these tiny precious moments. We will remember the vibe of this phase, but we will forget the exact things they said and did — and they will soon start asking about their younger days! I tried various things, from posting on Instagram to creating an mail address for Little R, to email him my thoughts — somehow they haven’t worked out well — so here is another attempt! Today I start this series to document some of these moments with the kids.

Little D is about 5 days from turning 3. Strangely enough, I can’t shake off the thought that we expected R to behave like a big boy at 3 (with Little D being a new born), but little D at 3 is still treated like a baby. Its a little unfair if you ask me, but I’m glad I’m enjoying little D at this age at least — he is adorable, and sharp!

He has been asking for a new toothbrush that he has seen in the closet and I told him once or twice, more as a distraction, that I would give it to him on his Birthday. He had me in splits when he told his Ajji — “Ajji, my Birthday Coming. Mamma give me new toothbrush!” Oh the joy and pride at this little wish of his for his Birthday! It didn’t last too long, the next day I tried to show this off to the Nanny, and asked him ‘What do you want for your Birthday, tell me?”. “Puzzle! I like Puzzle no!” he says, and to my mock horrified face, he also adds “in my party Mamma, cake also”

Slow down child! I can’t seem to keep up!




Mom of 2 little boys — need I say more?